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Jumat, 01 Juni 2012

Evernote Hello apk

Evernote Hello apk UPDATED: May 30, 2012 CURRENT VERSION: 1.0.254812

REQUIRES ANDROID: 2.2 and up CATEGORY: Productivity INSTALLS: 5,000 -

10,000 last 30 days SIZE: 4.1M PRICE: Free CONTENT RATING: Low

Maturity Description Evernote Hello helps you remember everyone you

meet. Remembering people is hard. Evernote Hello makes it easy.

Whether you're meeting someone for the first time, trying to remember

a person's name, or recalling important aspects of a previous

encounter, Evernote Hello is here to help. Here's how: - See the faces

of everyone you have met in a beautiful mosaic layout - View a history

of all the encounters you've had with individuals - Remember all

aspects of your meetings: location, notes, photos, and faces - Tie

Evernote Hello to LinkedIn to create fast, rich profiles - See notes

related to your encounters that are in your Evernote account There are

three easy ways to bring the people you meet into Evernote Hello: -

Create a quick profile and snap their photo - Pull in their

information from your address book - Allow them to enter their contact

information It's up to you. Say goodbye to business cards and

forgetting people with Hello. Evernote Hello is part of the Evernote

family of product, which are designed to help you remember everything.

给中国用户的提醒: 部分中国的Andr​​oid用户在安装时遇到了问 题,但你未必会受到影响。我们希望能尽快解决问 题。 Evernote

Hello apk android market download


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