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Selasa, 01 Mei 2012

gAppsLauncher apk

gAppsLauncher apk
November 1, 2011
Current Version:
Requires Android:
1.5 and up

All Google apps & services from a single touch.

Tired of having to search different Google services through your mobile browser? Tired of not being able to unify all applications of the big G in one place?

With gAppsLauncher, you can join all applications and web services of Google into a single widget. Or more if you wish.

What do you prefer, Web services or applications on your mobile? Don't worry... with gAppsLauncher you have the possibility to choose the method you prefer for each application... whenever exist official application for android.

Available in 3 sizes of widgets: 2x1, 2x2 and 4x1 with a stylish dark background or if you prefer with a transparent background. You save space because each widget supports more icons than size is involved.

Once you try you can not quit.

Any question, suggestion or problem will be welcomed. Please use the email so the answer is as fast as possible.

If you find this application useful, rate it with 5 stars... and don't forget to leave your comment.

"I want to thank @sike27 for the design of the icons, @NazaretReyes for the translation into French and @Olonnais for the translations into Russian and Portuguese."

gAppsLauncher apk
Content Rating:

android market download https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=es.kix2902.gapps&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsImVzLmtpeDI5MDIuZ2FwcHMiXQ..

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