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Rabu, 18 April 2012

Real Steel HD apk for android

Champions aren't born. They're made.

The ONLY official game "Real Steel" on Android Market.
Gizmodo says, "game looks fun as hell."
iPhoneappreview says, "Real Steel is a solid winner."

Real Steel is an underworld fighting game set in the near-future, where 2,000 pound robots fight in a no-holds barred battle to the death. Featuring two play modes, you can either fight a roster of Robots (Tournament Mode), each more challenging than the last, or fight in a quick sparring match against your favorite opponents (Free Sparring Mode). Your primary objective: defeat Midas and unlock all 8 unique Robots. download

google link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jumpgames.RealSteel&feature=apps_topselling_paid

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